DSU Ombudsman



The Staff Council Ombudsman is an independent, confidential resource available to assist staff employees in resolving problems, complaints, conflicts, and other issues when normal processes and procedures have not worked satisfactorily.

What Services does the Staff Council Ombudsman Provide?

Your Ombudsman will:

  • Listen to you and discuss your problems/concerns, identify and evaluate with you options to resolve problems.
  • Provide information on resources within the University that may help you.
  • Open avenues of communication, investigate complaints, and gather information.
  • Serves as a neutral party to solve problems and resolve conflict. The ombudsman does not take sides, but works to achieve fair outcomes.
  • Identify problem areas facing faculty, staff, and students, and recommend changes in University policies and procedures.

Why go to the Ombudsman?

The Ombudsman is Confidential

The Ombudsman will not identify you or discuss your concerns with anyone without your permission. He can arrange private confidential meetings at your convenience.

The Ombudsman is Independent

The Ombudsman works toward resolution of problems based on principles of fairness,
regardless of the parties involved.

The Ombudsman is Impartial

The Ombudsman does not take sides. The rights and interests of all parties will receive
equal consideration.

Contact your Ombudsman if you have a problem, concern, or issue and:

  • You don't know where to go for help.
  • You've been there, done that, and gotten nowhere.
  • You are reluctant to go through normal channels for assistance.

Your Ombudsman:

Mr. Jody Correro
Director of Public Information Union 215
Phone: 846-4676
E-Mail: jody@dsu.deltast.edu

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