Sound Recording Technology Theory & Practice 1 (DMI/SRT 111)

An introduction to engineering techniques and equipment used in recording contemporary instruments and voice as well as small ensembles.

Sound Recording Technology Theory & Practice 2 (DMI 112/SRT 112)

An introduction to hard disk recording by using and developing skills learned in Theory and Practices I, as well as new skills that cover computer software.

Live Sound Reinforcement 1 (DMI 114)

This is an introduction to some of the techniques and ear training involved in live sound reinforcement.

Live Sound Reinforcement 2 (DMI 314)

Critical Listening (DMI/SRT 322)

Introduction to principles and applications in sound system design and construction, monitoring theory, musical acoustics, and acoustic psychology.

Basic Mixing (DMI/SRT 331)

Audio recording, mixing theory and application.

Special Topics in Audio

Special Topics: Applied Projects in Audio