422/522; COD 522
SOC 422 Syllabus,
Printer Friendly Version SOC/COD 522 Syllabus, Printer Friendly Version |
Click here to view the photo from the field trip to Dahomey National Wildlife Refuge!!! |
Readings |
Study Questions |
Assignments and Grading |
Policies and Expectations |
Course Outline |
Additional Resources |
Course Information:
Meeting Place: 204 Kethley Hall
Meeting Times: Tuesday and Thursday, 4:305:45 pm
Instructor: Dr. Alan Barton
Office: 201F Kethley
Telephone: (662) 846-4097
E-mail: abarton@deltastate.edu
Office Hours:
The instructor holds regular office hours at the following times:
Monday: 10:00
11:30 am; 3:45
4:30 pm
Tuesday: 10:45
11:45 am; 3:00
4:30 pm
Wednesday: 10:00
11:30 am; 3:45
5:00 pm
Thursday: 10:45
11:45 am; 3:00
4:30 pm
If you cannot make one of these times, contact the professor to set up an
Course Webpage:
Additional materials and updated course information can be found on the course webpage:
Sp 05/SOC422Syllabus.htm
WebCT: You will need a WebCT account in order to receive some of
the information for this course. Information on signing up for WebCT
will be provided at the beginning of the course.
Course Overview:
This course introduces students to the disciplines of environmental and natural resources sociology. The course covers environmental and resource-related issues from a theoretical and policy-oriented approach. Important environmental issues that we will discuss include deforestation, biological diversity, air and water pollution, global warming, and sustainable development.
Allen Schnaiberg and Kenneth Alan Gould. 2000. Environment and Society: The Enduring Conflict. Caldwell, NJ: The Blackburn Press.
John McPhee. 1989. The Control of
Nature. New York: Farrar, Staus and Giroux.
The books are available at the university
bookstore. Students should purchase both books or otherwise arrange to
complete all of the reading assignments.
Biodiversity Resources:
American Museum of Natural History,
(2) World Resources Institute, http://wri.igc.org/biodiv/
(3) U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, http://endangered.fws.gov/
(4) Conservation International, http://www.biodiversityhotspots.org/xp/Hotspots/hotspotsScience/
(5) Mississippi Dept. of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, http://www.mdwfp.com/museum/downloads/tandelist.pdf
Bromley, Daniel W. 1989. Property relations and economic
development: The other land reform. World Development 17(6):867877.
Buttel, Frederick H. 1976. Social science and the environment: Competing theories. Social Science Quarterly 57(2):307323.
Buttel, Frederick H. 2002. Environmental sociology and the sociology of natural resources: Institutional histories and intellectual legacies. Society and Natural Resources 15:205211.
Catton, William R., Jr. and Riley E. Dunlap. 1978. Environmental sociology: A new paradigm. The American Sociologist 13:4149.
Cernea, Michael M. 1993. The sociologists approach to sustainable development. Finance & Development 30(4):1113.
Dunlap, Riley E. and William R. Catton, Jr. 2002. Which function(s) of the environment do we study? A comparison of environmental and natural resource sociology. Society and Natural Resources 15:239249.
Geisler, Charles. 1993. Ownership: an overview. Rural Sociology 58(4):532546.
Herremans, Irene M. and Robin E. Reid. 2002. Developing awareness of the sustainability concept. Journal of Environmental Education 34(1):1620.
Hockenstein, Jeremy B., Robert N. Stavins, and Bradley W.
Whitehead. 1997. Crafting the next generation of market-based environmental
tools. Environment 39(4):1233.
Huffman, Alan. 1999.
Dubious Days in the Delta. National Wildlife (37)2.
Kummer, David M. and B.L. Turner II. 1994. The human causes of deforestation in Southeast Asia. BioScience 44(5):323328.
Land Trust Resources:
Land Trust Alliance, http://www.lta.org/
Delta Land
Trust, http://www.deltalandtrust.org/
Mississippi Land Trust, http://www.misslandtrust.org/
Nature Conservancy, http://nature.org/
National Trust for Historic Preservation, http://www.nationaltrust.org/
Lynch, Owen J. 1998. Law, pluralism and the promotion of sustainable community-based forest management. Unasylva 49(3):5256.
McGowan, Alan H. 2003. Environmental justice for all. Environment 45(5):1.
McNeely, Jeffrey A. 1994. Protected areas for the 21st
century: Working to provide benefits to society. Biodiversity and
Conservation 3:390405.
Merenlender, A.M., L. Huntsinger, G. Guthey and S.K. Fairfax. 2004. Land trusts and conservation easements: Who is conserving what for whom? Conservation Biology 18(1):65-75.
Mohai, Paul. 2003. African American concern for the environment. Environment 45(5):1026.
Population Reports. 2000. The Earth and its people/Toward a livable future. Population Reports 28(3).
Ringquist, Evan J. 1993. Does regulation matter? Evaluating
the effects of state air pollution control programs. Journal of Politics
Sapat, Alka, Jaap J.
Vos, and Khi V. Thai. 2002. Environmental injustice: An emerging public policy
issue. International Journal of Public Administration 25(2&3):143168.
Spangler, Adam. 2004. Wading Through Everglades Policy. Earth Island Journal 19(1):39-41.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. 2004.
(1) Conserving the Nature of America. http://training.fws.gov/library/Pubs/conserving.pdf
(2) Dahomey National Wildlife Refuge. http://dahomey.fws.gov//index.html
Wright, R. Gerald and David J. Mattson. 1996. The origin and purpose of national parks and protected areas. In R. Gerald Wright (editor), National Parks and Protected Areas: Their Role in Environmental Protection. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Science.
Each week, a set of study questions pertaining to the week's topic will be
posted on this website. These questions are designed to assist you with the week's reading assignments. It is recommended that
you prepare short answers to these questions to prepare for lectures and discussions. Questions for the quizzes, the final exam, and writing assignments
are frequently drawn from these study questions.
Click on the link for study questions on the readings:
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 |
Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8 | Week 9 | Week 10 |
Week 11 | Week 12 | Week 13 | Week 14 | Week 15 |
Course Organization and Approach:
This course uses a participatory, learner-centered, adult education approach. An adult education approach recognizes that students are responsible for their own learning. The professor can only provide opportunities to learn, but cannot force students to learn. Students are expected to work hard in this course, meaning that for every hour of class time, students are expected to spend two to three hours outside of class preparing by doing readings, assignments, studying for quizzes and exams, and thinking about the course material.
Students are expected to take responsibility for the success of the course, that is, students should take an active interest not just in the course material, but in the course itself, making it a success for all participants. Factors such as interest, motivation, creativity, and initiative are important elements in evaluating a students performance and assigning a grade.
Course material is presented in several formats. A theoretical framework for understanding the social dimensions of environmental issues is presented in the assigned chapters in the book Environment and Society: The Enduring Conflict by Allen Schnaiberg and Kenneth Alan Gould, and in several assigned articles. Information on social, political, and scientific dimensions of specific environmental issues is presented in other assigned articles, and in the book The Control of Nature, by John McPhee. Topical issues are presented in videos and in the student-led discussions on current issues drawn from newspapers and magazines.
Assignments, SOC 422:
All students taking the course for undergraduate (SOC 422) credit must complete the following assignments:
(1) Reading, Attendance and Participation in Class Discussions (20 points)
You are expected to do all of the assigned readings and attend all class sessions
You are expected to engage in classroom discussions, reflecting on the topic and readings
The quality of contributions to class discussions is more important than the quantity of contributions
Participation in class discussions is not graded based on whether it is right or wrong; rather, you are expected to engage the material critically, and demonstrate an understanding and ability to apply the course material in productive ways
(2) Quizzes (20 points)
You will take three in-class quizzes during the semester
Quizzes consist of short answer questions (multiple choice, true-false, fill-in-the-blank, matching terms, etc.)
The first quiz covers the course material presented since the beginning of the semester, including readings, lectures, films, and discussions; subsequent quizzes cover material since the previous quiz
Each quiz is
worth 10 points; the lowest grade will be dropped at the end of the semester
Click here for an explanation of quiz grading
(3) Writing Assignments (20 points)
You will prepare and submit three two-page papers on assigned topics pertaining to the videos and/or field trips
The papers should be typed, 10 or 12 point font, 1 inch margins, double spaced
Each writing assignment is worth
10 points; the lowest
grade will be dropped at the end of the semester
For out-of-class
assignments, students are expected to do their own work
see the policy on plagiarism and cheating, this policy will be enforced
with no exceptions; for more information,
see the
Delta State Library's Guide to Plagiarism Prevention.
Click here for tips on writing papers for this course
Click here for Soc 422 writing assignments
(4) Discussion Leader on Current Topics (20 points)
You will lead two 15-minute discussions on topics of current interest pertaining to the environment or natural resources management
You should select your topic from a current newspaper or magazine, and should submit the article to the professor one week before their discussion with a list of discussion questions
You should prepare and give a short presentation on the article to the class, focusing on the social and policy dimensions of the environmental issues
You should
then facilitate a class discussion on the topic, encouraging participation by
all members of the class; your responsibility in this exercise is not to act
as expert or judge; rather, you are to get other students talking about
the topic, mediate the contributions of other students to keep the discussion
focused, and guide the discussion to ensure that the social and policy issues
are covered
Click here for guidelines on leading a discussion
Click here for a schedule of current topics discussion leaders
(5) Final Exam (20 points)
You MUST take the final exam, at a time to be arranged
The final exam is comprehensive, and consists of short answer and essay questions
(6) Engagement (+/- 10 points)
A total of 10 points may be added or subtracted from your final grade to reflect the degree of engagement in the course that you exhibit
Engaged students demonstrate qualities such as motivation, extra effort,
interest in the course material, improvement over the course of the semester
and leadership.
Lack of engagement is manifested by frequent absences, talking with others
or dozing off in class, lack of interest in the course material, lack of
preparation, and lack of participation in course activities.
Assignments, SOC 522:
All students taking the course for graduate (SOC 522) credit must complete the following assignments:
(1) Reading, Attendance and Participation in Class Discussions (20 points)
You are expected to do all of the assigned readings and attend all class sessions
You are expected to engage in classroom discussions, reflecting on the topic and readings
The quality of contributions to class discussions is more important than the quantity of contributions
(2) Discussion Leader (20 points)
You will lead class discussions on the assigned readings during the semester; the readings will be divided up among the graduate students in the course
You should prepare and give a short presentation on the reading to the class, focusing on the social and policy dimensions of the environmental issues raised in the reading
You should
then facilitate a class discussion on the topic, encouraging participation by
all members of the class; your responsibility in this exercise is not to act
as expert or judge; rather, you are to get other students talking about
the topic, mediate the contributions of other students to keep the discussion
focused, and guide the discussion to ensure that the social and policy issues
are covered
Each discussion should last approximately 50 minutes
Click here for guidelines on leading a discussion
Click here for a schedule of discussion leaders
(3) Writing Assignments (20 points)
You will prepare and submit three two-page papers on assigned topics pertaining to the videos and/or field trips
The papers should be typed, 10 or 12 point font, 1 inch margins, double spaced
Each writing assignment is worth 10 points; the lowest grade will be dropped at the end of the semester
For out-of-class
assignments, students are expected to do their own work
see the policy on plagiarism and cheating, this policy will be enforced
with no exceptions; for more information,
see the
Delta State Library's Guide to Plagiarism Prevention.
Click here for tips on writing papers for this course
Click here for Soc 522/COD 522 writing assignments
(4) Research Paper/Practical Project (30 points)
You will select an environmental issue of current concern in the Mississippi Delta region, and carry out either a research or practical project pertaining to this issue
Research Paper: You will design a research project that will contribute to our understanding of an environmental issue in the Delta. The project should involve working with people in the Delta, either as subjects or collaborators; it should not be based wholly on library research. You will prepare a 12-page paper that reports the methods and findings of your research
Practical Project: You will identify a collaborating organization and develop a practical project that addresses an environmental issue in the Mississippi Delta. You will work with this organization to develop a strategy for addressing this issue. You will prepare a 12-page paper that summarizes your project and the lessons learned
You may collaborate with one other
student to carry out the research or practical experience; however, you should
each choose individual topics to focus on and prepare individual reports of
your work
Click here for more information on the papers/projects
(5) Presentation of Paper/Project (10 points)
You will prepare and present a summary of your paper or project to the class during the last week of classes
Your presentation should last approximately 15 to 20 minutes, and should inform the class about the issue, collaborating organizations, your study design, and the findings of your project
Click here for a schedule of
presentations on papers/projects
(6) Engagement (+/- 10 points)
A total of 10 points may be added or subtracted from your final grade to reflect the degree of engagement in the course that you exhibit
Engaged students demonstrate qualities such as motivation, extra effort,
interest in the course material, improvement over the course of the semester
and leadership.
Lack of engagement is manifested by frequent absences, talking with others
or dozing off in class, lack of interest in the course material, lack of
preparation, and lack of participation in course activities.
Calculating Your
There are a total of 100 points available for the semester. Your final score is simply the sum of all points earned over the semester. If you accumulate 90 or more points over the course of the semester, you will get an A in the course. If you accumulate 80 to 89 points, you will get a B, for 70 to 79 points you will get a C, and for 60 to 69 points will get a D. If you get less than 60 points, your final grade will be an F. Note that you start with zero and earn points; you do not start with 100 and lose points.
If you comply with all course requirements and submit all of the assignments satisfactorily and on time, you can expect a C in this course. To receive a higher grade, you must demonstrate a superior grasp of course material and an ability to apply the material in productive ways. It is also helpful to show an interest in the course material and in learning, and an achievement-based orientation.
(1) YOU are responsible for learning the course material and for your progress in the course
You are expected to attend class regularly and complete all of the assignments.
You are expected to know all material presented during class sessions, whether you attended the class or not. If you miss a class session, you should check with another student to see what you missed.
I didnt know is NEVER a valid excuse. If you dont know something, it is your job to find out.
(2) Missed assignments CANNOT be made up
It is assumed that if you miss class or an assignment, you are making a choice that prioritizes other activities above the class. For this reason, none of the assignments or coursework can be made up.
Assignments are due at the time specified; no late assignments will be accepted.
If you miss a quiz or writing assignment, you will receive a grade of zero for that assignment. In the first instance, this will count as your lowest grade and will be dropped. Subsequent instances will be scored as zero.
If you must miss a presentation or other in-class activity, it is up to you to arrange to trade with another student before the event. Please notify the instructor of such changes.
(3) Illnesses and emergencies MUST be documented
If you must miss a class due to illness or another personal emergency, notify the instructor BEFORE the missed class period either by e-mail or telephone.
If you cannot notify the instructor in advance, bring a note from a doctor or other professional to the next class meeting.
Illnesses and emergencies pertain only to the student, not to the students family, friends or others.
If you must miss class for an official university activity, you should make arrangements with the instructor BEFORE the missed class. Appropriate documentation is required.
Notified absences (i.e. you notify the instructor before the event) count as one-half absence. Excused absences (i.e. you bring a note from a doctor or other professional) will not count against you for the first two; after that, each excused absence counts as one-half absence.
You are responsible for all material presented in the class, even during an excused absence. You should get class notes from another student for all class sessions you miss.
It is in your interest to provide the instructor with written notification (e.g. note or e-mail) or documentation for any missed class. It is risky to simply tell the instructor and expect him to remember.
(4) Appropriate accommodations will be made for students with medical problems or diagnosed disabilities. Have Dr. Richard Houston at the Reily Health Center (846-4690) contact the course instructor to make arrangements.
(5) Class discussion is an important element in this course
The purpose of the discussion is to provide you with an opportunity to practice thinking skills in a safe environment.
In discussions, you are encouraged to explore ideas presented in the readings and lectures, to think about and apply concepts, and to develop arguments and evaluate evidence.
You must demonstrate appropriate respect the opinions and ideas of other students. If you repeatedly show disrespect for other students, you will be asked to leave the classroom.
Class discussions are NOT a time to chat with other students about topics not related to the course. Talking privately with other students while the rest of the class is trying to carry on a discussion is disruptive, bothersome, and disrespectful to other students and to the professor. If you repeatedly talk out of turn, you will be asked to leave the classroom.
It is acceptable (and encouraged) to disagree with the perspectives of other students, but you should phrase this to show disagreement with the idea or opinion, not with the person presenting the idea or opinion.
Please make sure that all pagers, cell phones, etc. are turned off during class time. If your phone or pager repeatedly interrupts class, you will be asked to leave the classroom.
Any work missed by a student that was asked to leave the classroom cannot be made up under any circumstances.
(6) You are expected to comply with all academic standards and ethics as defined in the DSU Bulletin and Handbook
You are expected to do their own work in this course. Plagiarism and other forms of cheating will NOT be tolerated.
Click here if you are unsure what constitutes plagiarism. The DSU Library's "Plagiarism Prevention: A Guide for Students" is also a good resource. If it is still unclear, see the instructor. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO UNDERSTAND THESE GUIDELINES. If at some point in the semester you are suspected of committing plagiarism, pleas of I didnt know what plagiarism was will not be accepted.
The sanctions for plagiarism are outlined on the web page linked above. Make sure you are aware of these BEFORE you submit any work in this class.
Day/Date |
Topic |
Assignment |
Readings |
Week 1: Conceptual Framework |
Tuesday Jan 11 |
Course Introduction; Themes and Topics; Review Syllabus |
Thursday Jan 13 |
Natural Resources & Environmental Sociology |
Dunlap & Catton (2002) Buttel (2002) |
Week 2: Ecological Disorganization |
Tuesday Jan 18 |
Why Should We Protect the Environment? |
Schnaiberg & Gould, Ch. 1 |
Thursday Jan 20 |
Ecological Limits |
Schnaiberg & Gould, Ch. 2 |
Week 3: The Treadmill of Production |
Tuesday Jan 25 |
Paradigms and Theories |
Current Topics |
Catton & Dunlap (1978) Buttel (1976) |
Thursday Jan 27 |
The Logic of Industrial Organization |
Schnaiberg & Gould, Ch. 3 |
Week 4: Social Responses to the Treadmill |
Tuesday Feb 1 |
Population, Consumption and/or Technology |
Current Topics |
Schnaiberg & Gould, Ch. 4 |
Thursday Feb 3 |
Video: "Endangered Planet: The Environmental Cost of Growth" |
Schnaiberg & Gould, Ch. 5 |
Week 5: Land I |
Tuesday Feb 8 |
Property |
422: Quiz 1 |
Bromley (1989) Geisler (1993) |
Thursday Feb 10 |
Video: Forest Wars |
Day/Date |
Topic |
Assignment |
Readings |
Week 6: Land II |
Tuesday Feb 15 |
Protected Areas |
Current Topics |
McNeely (1994) Wright & Mattson (1996) |
Thursday Feb 17 |
Land Trusts |
Writing 1 Due |
et al. (2004) |
Week 7: Land III |
Tuesday Feb 22 |
Soil Erosion |
Current Topics |
McPhee, pp. 183221 |
Thursday Feb 24 |
Video: "Costa Rica Counts The Future" |
Week 8: Plants & Animals I |
Tuesday Mar 1 |
Erosion Control |
Current Topics | McPhee, pp. 221272 |
Thursday Mar 3 |
Biodiversity |
Biodiversity Resources |
Week 9: Plants & Animals II |
Tuesday Mar 8 |
Forests |
Current Topics |
Kummer & Turner (1994) Lynch (1998) |
Thursday Mar 10 |
Wetlands |
Writing 2 Due |
Spangler (2004) Huffman (1999) |
Week 10: Environmental Justice |
Tuesday Mar 15 |
Environmental Justice |
422: Quiz 2 |
McGowen (2003) Sapat et al. (2002) |
Thursday Mar 17 |
Race & the Environment |
Current Topics |
Mohai (2003) |
Tuesday Mar 22 |
Thursday Mar 24 |
Day/Date |
Topic |
Assignment |
Readings |
Week 11: Air & Water I |
Tuesday Mar 29 |
Video: "We All Live Downstream" |
Thursday Mar 31 |
Pollution |
Current Topics |
Ringquist (1993) Hockenstein et al. (1997) |
Week 12: Air & Water II |
Tuesday Apr 5 |
Flood Control on |
Writing 3 Due |
McPhee, 342 |
Thursday Apr 7 |
Flood Control on |
Current Topics |
McPhee, 4292 |
Week 13: Environmental Practice |
Tuesday Apr 12 |
What Can You Do For the Environment? |
Current Topics |
Schnaiberg &
Gould, |
Wednesday Apr 13 |
Field Trip: Dahomey National Wildlife Refuge |
12:45 pm to 4:30 pm Meet in front of Kethley Hall |
USFWS (2004) |
Thursday Apr 14 |
No Class Meeting |
Week 14: Sustainable Development I |
Tuesday Apr 19 |
Sustainability |
Herremans & Reid (2002) Cernea (1993) |
Thursday Apr 21 |
Social Movements |
422: Quiz 3 |
Schnaiberg & Gould, Ch. 8 |
Week 15: Sustainable Development II |
Tuesday Apr 26 |
Population and Environment |
Population Reports (2000) |
Thursday Apr 28 |
Conflict, Coalition & Sustainable Development |
522: Research Paper/ Practical Project Due |
Schnaiberg & Gould Ch. 9 & 10 |
Week 16: Dead Week |
Tuesday May 3 |
Presentation of Graduate Student Research/ Practical Projects |
422: Final Exam
2:30 - 4:30 pm |
Thursday May 5 |
Course Evaluation |
Readings |
Study Questions |
Assignments and Grading |
Policies and Expectations |
Course Outline |
Additional Resources |