Delta State University
SOC 422/522 COD 522
Spring Semester 2005
Study Questions, Week 10
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Topics for the Week:
Plants & Animals; Environmental Justice
Readings for the Week:
McGowan, Alan H. 2003. Environmental justice for all. Environment 45(5):1.
Alka, Jaap J. Vos, and Khi V. Thai. 2002. Environmental injustice: an emerging
public policy issue. International Journal of Public Administration
Paul. 2003. African American concern for the environment. Environment
(1) What is meant by environmental justice?
(2) What evidence refutes the assumption that people of color show little or no concern for the environment? Is this evidence convincing?
(3) What evidence exists to suggest that people of color are actively engaged in protecting the environment? Is this evidence convincing?
(4) Which environmental issues are most important to African Americans and other people of color? Why are these issues important to these groups?
(5) In
what ways have African Americans influenced environmental policy?
(6) Trace the roots of the environmental justice movement. What environmental
issues have been important in mobilizing people to seek justice?
(7) Is environmental injustice more a function of race or of poverty?