CHE 351
Course Syllabus
Course: CHE 351, Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences
Section: 01
Lecture: WAL 250 MWF 11:00
- 11:50 a.m.
Laboratory: WAL 175 TR 1:40
- 4:20 p.m.
Lab manual:
Course Home Page:
Prerequisites: CHE 102, 104 and PHY 222, 234
Textbook: Elements of Physical Chemistry, 4th. Ed., by P.
W. Atkins and J. de Paula Description: This course consists of an introduction to physical chemistry
primarily intended for pre-professional students. Gas laws, thermodynamics,
kinetics, quantum chemistry and spectroscopy are covered.
Instructor: Dr. Joe Bentley
Instructor Information
85-100 |
A |
75-84 |
B |
60-74 |
C |
50-59 |
D |
< 50 |
F |
- There will be four 100 pt. hourly exams. Each exam will cover
approximately three to four chapters of the text.
- There will be NO comprehensive final exam. Exam IV will be taken
during the final exam period.
- NO sharing of calculators during exams. NO cell phone
- If you miss one of the hourly exams and have a
medical excuse, then you will be given a DIFFERENT exam from
the rest of the class.
- If you are going to be absent on official school business
then you may request to take an examination early, NOT late.
- Exams will be held one (1) week after the completion of the
material for that exam. This rule does NOT apply to Exam 4
when the end of semester schedule may not necessarily allow this.
- Examination grades and final course grades are "curved"
at the discretion of the instructor.
- You may use one 3x5 index card (front and back) for formulas
and information during each exam.
- Exams count 4/5 of your final course letter grade.
Laboratory assignments count as 1/5 of the final course grade.
Lab Work
Your lab work is an essential component of the course and
of your grade. You are expected to participate fully in all
lab experiments. The experiments conducted in
CHE 351 will include instructor designed labs as well as
inquiry-based experiments where you will do independent investigations.
The schedule for the labs and a statement about lab safety
are listed below.
Safety is always of paramount concern when working in any
chemistry laboratory. For this reason, during the first laboratory
meeting the student will be introduced to the safety features in the
physical chemistry laboratory (WAL 175).
The student is also required to read over Chapter 1 of the
laboratory manual which is entitled "Safety in the Laboratory."
During the second lab meeting, the student will take a 10-point
quiz on lab safety. A passing grade (> 70%) is required to
continue in the laboratory portion of the course.
Week |
Experiment |
1 |
No lab |
2 |
Introduction to the Lab/Safety |
3 |
Computer Graphing |
4 |
Literature Search |
5 |
Bomb Calorimetry I |
6 |
Heat of Vaporization |
7 |
Heat of Neutralization |
8 |
Bomb Calorimetry II |
9 |
Break |
10 |
Colligative Properties |
11 |
Electrical Conductance |
12 |
Electronic Structure / Potential Energy Curves |
13 |
Quantum Chemistry and Normal Modes of Vibration |
14 |
Introduction to Scientific Inquiry |
15 |
Make-up lab |
See the course Cheating Policy
If a student has a disability that qualifies under the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and requires accommodation,
he/she should contact the Academic Support Lab (Union 311)
for information on appropriate policies and procedures.
See the DSU Statement on Disability Services.