EXAMPLE LAB REPORT #1 I.M. Chemist In the experiment we will find the heat of combustion
of naphthalene. Condensed Directions 1. Determine heat capacity of calorimeter by burning a
sample of benzoic acid. 2. Repeat procedure with "unknown".
Constants - Other Useful Data
Heat of combustion of benzoic acid 6318 cal/g (from manufacturer, Parr) Heat of combustion of Wire 2.3 cal/cm (from manufacturer, Parr) References Cockford, Nowell Baird, Getzen Laboratory Manual of
Physical Chemistry, 2nd ed., Wiley, p. 109 Myers, handout Equations (mass sample) (DHcomb) + (cm wire)(2.3 cal / cm) = C x DT Known: Benzoic Acid wt. container 1.4090 g length wire burned = 4.1 cm sample + cont. 2.5046 g wt sample
Sample: Naphthalene container wt. 1.4838g wire burned = 6.7 cm container + sample 2.4564g
sample weight 0.9726g
I.M. Chemist