Heat of Neutralization
10 microvolts | .000010 V | = | .001oC |
1 millivolt | .001 V | = | .100oC |
10 millivolts | .010 V | = | 1.000oC |
100 millivolts | .100 V | = | 10.00oC |
Once these basic relationships are understood
the bridge can be balanced to a zero output at any baseline temperature
from 20o to 30oC and a recording range can be selected
to produce a full-scale trace corresponding to a temperature change of
0.1o, 1.0o or 10oC. The true temperature
at any point on the chart can then be determined by adding the chart reading
to the baseline setting shown by the unit temperature switch and digital
potentiometer located within the marked box on the thermometer panel.
There are five switch positions on the selector
switch in the center of the thermometer panel, the middle three of which
have adjusting knobs.
In the OFF position no power is supplied to the
thermometer and the system is dead. The switch should remain in this position
whenever the calorimeter is not in use.
The ZERO control adjusts the output of the bridge
to zero voltage.
The NULL control adjusts the bridge to indicate a temperature of exactly 20oC at zero voltage output.
The CAL adjustments set the full scale output
of the bridge at exactly 100 millivolts, corresponding to a temperature
exactly 10oC above the bridge null.
The READ position is used to feed the thermometer
signal to the recorder.
Calibrating the Recorder. Most strip chart recorders
can be set to produce a full scale trace with inputs of 1, 10, or 100 millivolts,
which cover the ranges generally used for the 1451 Calorimeter. The recorder
should have a chart speed selector and an adjustment for setting the pen
to a zero baseline. Any specific instructions furnished by the recorder
manufacturer should be observed when using this equipment.
After connecting the recorder to the thermometer
bridge, balance the bridge and calibrate the recorder using the procedure
described below. These steps should be taken in sequence when using the
recorder for the first time. It is not necessary to repeat these adjustments
in each subsequent run, but the setting should be checked from time to
time to be sure that they have not changed.
If the chart paper has 10 major units in its
ruling and the recorder is set at 100 millivolts (10.00oC) full
scale, each major unit on the chart represents 1oC. Therefore
a reading of 4.52 units on the chart indicates a temperature of 24.52oC
in the calorimeter (20o baseline + 4.52o on the chart
Better precision can now be obtained by changing
the baseline setting and increasing the sensitivity of the recorder after
it is known that the temperature being measured is near 24.52oC.
Move the temperature setting on the bridge to exactly 24.000oC,
then change the range selector on the recorder to 10 millivolts (1.000oC)
full scale. If the pen then moves to 5.23 major divisions on the chart,
the temperature in the calorimeter is 24.523oC (24o
baseline + 0.523oC on the chart).
Or, for best precision, set the temperature dials
to exactly 24.520oC and change the range selector on the recorder
to 1 millivolt (0.100C) full scale. Now use the recorder as a null indicator
and adjust the digital potentiometer to bring the pen back to the zero
baseline. If the digital meter then reads 0.525, the temperature in the
calorimeter is 24.525oC.
Choosing the range. Before starting a run, try
to estimate the total energy change involved in the experiment so that
the recorder can be set in a range which will produce the best thermogram.
The following settings are recommended:
Up to 10 calories, set at .001 V (0.100oC)
full scale.
10 to 100 calories, set at .010 V (1.000oC)
full scale.
100 to 1000 calories, set at .100 V (10.00oC)
full scale.
If the sign and magnitude of the enthalpy change
cannot be estimated before starting an experiment, set the recorder at
.01 V (1.000oC)full scale and make a trial run starting with
a baseline in the middle of the chart. The temperature change observed
in this experiment can then be used as a guide for setting the recorder
to a different range and baseline to produce a better thermogram in a subsequent
Resetting the Pen. If the reaction to be examined
is expected to be endothermic, the pen must be raised to a higher position
in order to record a temperature drop during the reaction. To raise the
pen, simply turn the unit temperature switch or the digital potentiometer
to a lower setting. This change can be made at any time without affecting
the range and calibration of the recorder.
In exothermic experiments, a baseline adjustment
may be desirable at this time if the temperature in the calorimeter has
changed significantly during the initial equilibration period.
Beginning the Trace. The liquid in the Dewar
and the sample in the rotating cell must reach thermal equilibrium, and
the recorder must trace a straight line for at least 3 or 4 minutes before
starting the reaction. To minimize this equilibration period, the reactants
should be at approximately the same temperature when they are placed in
the calorimeter. This is particularly important when working with reactions
which produce low enthalpy changes. In such cases any temperature difference
between the two solutions in a liquid-liquid system should not exceed 0.2
when the calorimeter is loaded. The calorimeter should then be allowed
to run for about 15 minutes before starting the trace. Solid-liquid systems
will usually come to equilibrium within a shorter period.
Completing the Trace. Having established the
initial drift, start the reaction by depressing the push rod to open the
rotating cell. This will produce a distinct temperature change which will
soon taper off to a uniform drift as the calorimeter again comes to equilibrium.
Continue the trace until the drift line becomes straight and remains straight
for at least three minutes. Usually this condition will be reached within
ten minutes or less after starting the reaction.
At the conclusion of the test, stop the recorder;
lift the pen and turn the thermometer selector switch to ZERO. Remove the
chart from the recorder and mark it to identify the run and the reactants
involved. Also, write in the baseline temperature and show the recorder
range setting for this run.
Emptying the Calorimeter. Stop the calorimeter
motor; raise the cover carefully and wipe any excess liquid from the parts
that were immersed in the Dewar. Remove the thermistor probe from the cover
and remove the sample dish from the end of the push rod; then remove the
rod and release the glass cell from the drive shaft. Lift the Dewar out
of the air can and empty it; then wash and dry all wetted parts carefully.
In order to determine the net temperature change
produced by the reaction it is necessary to locate a point on the thermogram
at which the temperature reached 63 per cent of its total rise (or fall).
This can be done easily using the graphic procedure which is described
below, although other variations of this method can be used as well.
Although the thermogram shown on page 14 to illustrate
this graphic method is taken from an exothermic reaction, the same steps
can be used to established the corrected temperature change for an endothermic
If it was necessary to reset the pen during the
test, the graphic procedure can still be used by taking into account the
two different baseline temperatures when reading the intercepts. However,
in such cases it usually will be desirable to re-run the experiment using
a different baseline or a higher span on the recorder to produce an unbroken
The energy change, Q , measured in this calorimeter is calculated by multiplying the net corrected temperature change, DT, by the energy equivalent, e*, of the calorimeter and its contents,
(Note that the energy equivalent, e, is the same
as the heat capacity, C.) If DT
is measured in degrees C and e is expressed in calories per C, Q
will be reported in calories.
The energy equivalent, e , is determined
by a calibration procedure which is described below under Standardization.
The change in enthalpy, DH,
at the mean reaction temperature is equal to -Q divided by the amount
of sample used in the experiment, expressed either in moles or grams.
where T is the temperature.
Enthalpy values are usually expressed
in kilocalories per mole. Procedures for converting enthalpy changes, DH,
to thermodynamic standard conditions and for using DH
other computations can be obtained from thermodynamics or thermochemistry
textbooks, or from literature references.
As explained above, in order to calculate the energy change, Q , involved in a reaction, the energy equivalent, e, of the calorimeter and its contents must be known. Values of e are determined by running several calibration experiments in which the calorimeter is operated in the usual manner but with reactants which release ( or absorb) a known amount of energy. The energy equivalent is then calculated by dividing the known energy input, QE, by the corrected temperature rise, DT.
Standardization with TRIS. A sample of
tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane, commonly called TRIS, is furnished with
the 1451 calorimeter to provide a reliable standardizing reagent. TRIS
is furnished as a dry powder which can be used directly from the bottle
as supplied without further preparation, but undue exposure to air and
moisture should be avoided in order to preserve the integrity of the standard.
For standardizing the 1451 calorimeter, solid
TRIS can be dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid in a controlled reaction
for which the amount of heat evolved is well established. In the recommended
standardization procedure described below, 0.5 gram of TRIS is dissolved
in 100 ml of 0.1 N HC1 to evolve 58.738 calories per gram
of TRIS at 25oC. This is the procedure:
1. Tare the Dewar on a solution or trip balance
and add exactly 100.00 + 0.05 grams of 0.100 N HCl.
2. Weigh 0.50 + 0.01 grams of TRIS into
the 126C Teflon dish on an analytical balance to an accuracy of +
0.0001 g.
3. Assemble the rotating cell; place it in the
calorimeter and start the motor.
4. Let the calorimeter come to equilibrium; the set the recorder at .01 V
(1.000oC) full scale; set the baseline
at the bottom of the chart for an exothermic reaction and trace a thermogram
as previously described.
5. Analyze the thermogram to determine the net corrected temperature
rise, DT.
6. Calculate the known energy input by substituting in the equation:
QE = m [heat of neutralization of
QE = the energy input in calories
m = the weight of TRIS in grams
7. Calculate the energy equivalent of the calorimeter and its contents by substituting in the equation:
where e will be expressed in calories
per oC.
8. Determine the energy equivalent of the
empty calorimeter by subtracting the heat capacity of the 100 g
of 0.1 N HC1 from e, as follows:
e' = e - (100.00) (.99894)
where, e' = the energy equivalent of the empty calorimeter in calories
per oC.
100.00 = the weight of 0.100 N HCl in
.99894 = the specific heat of 0.1 N HC1
at 25oC
A standardization reaction involving:
0.5017 grams of TRIS, and
100.00 grams of 0.100 N HCl
produces a net corrected temperature rise of:
DT = 0.244 ºC
In the reaction the known energy input is:
QE = 0.5017 [58.977]
= 29.589 calories
The energy equivalent, e, of the calorimeter and its contents is then
e = 29.589 / 0.244
= 121.27 calories / °C
The energy equivalent, e', of the empty calorimeter
in then computed:
e' = 121.27 - (100.00) (0.99894)
= 21.38 calories / °C
Problem: Determine the change in enthalpy for solid sodium sulfate,
when dissolved in a 5 gram/liter aqueous solution of barium chloride,
Ba++ soln.
Corr. temp. rise
(from chart, p. 20)
Energy equivalent
Energy evolved
Enthalpy change
Or, multiplying by 142.04 (the molecular weight
of )
Example A: An Exothermic Reaction
Full Scale 1mV = 0.1oC
Baseline = 24.852oC
Tf = 0.0494o + 24.852o
Ti = 0.0074o + 24.852o
T = 0.0420oC
Experiment: Exp. 9.1 Heat of Neutralization
Standardization with TRIS
Time (s) |
Volt (V) |
Temp (oC) |
Time (s) |
Volt (V) |
Temp (oC) |
0 |
-0.0219 |
17.81 |
360 |
-0.0195 |
18.05 |
60 |
-0.0205 |
17.95 |
420 |
-0.0194 |
18.06 |
120 |
-0.0202 |
17.98 |
480 |
-0.0194 |
18.06 |
180 |
-0.0199 |
18.01 |
540 |
-0.0193 |
18.07 |
240 |
-0.0198 |
18.02 |
600 |
-0.0193 |
18.07 |
300 |
-0.0196 |
18.04 |
Time (s) |
Voltage (V) |
Temp (oC) |
Time (s) |
Voltage (V) |
Temp (oC) |
0 |
-0.0115 |
18.85 |
120 |
-0.0019 |
19.81 |
15 |
-0.0026 |
19.74 |
150 |
-0.0019 |
19.81 |
30 |
-0.0017 |
19.83 |
180 |
-0.0020 |
19.81 |
45 |
-0.0018 |
19.82 |
210 |
-0.0020 |
19.80 |
60 |
-0.0018 |
19.82 |
240 |
-0.0020 |
19.80 |
75 |
-0.0018 |
19.82 |
270 |
-0.0020 |
19.80 |
90 |
300 |
-0.0021 |
19.79 |
105 |
-0.0019 |
19.82 |