Molecular Electronic StructureG94W


The purpose of this experiment is to become somewhat familiar with perhaps the most famous ab initio electronic structure program available and to learn a little about the usefulness of molecular electronic structure calculations.

Equipment and Chemicals:

A PC running G94W and a printer.



See the instructor for a detailed description of output from G94W.


Run file 2_01 which is the input file for a single point energy calculation on Propene. Determine the following information from the output:

  • What is the standard orientation of the molecule? In what plane do most of the atoms lie?
  • What is the predicted Hartree-Fock energy?
  • What is the magnitude and direction of the dipole moment for propene?
  • Describe the general nature of the predicted charge distribution.

If you have questions, comments or suggestions, email me at Last updated:  December 15, 2007