- "Classical Oscillator Dynamics," B. Branch, M. Lollar and J. A. Bentley, 59th Annual Meeting of the Mississippi
Academy of Sciences, Thursday, February 9, 1995.
- "Classical Dynamics of 1D and 2D Harmonic and Anharmonic Oscillators," B. Branch, M. Lollar, and J. A. Bentley, 60th Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, February
22, 1996.
- "Quantum Dynamics of 1D and 2D Asymmetric Double-Well
Oscillators,’’ M. K. Zaremba, and J. A. Bentley, Sixty-First Annual
Meeting of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Thursday, February 20,
- "Quantum Dynamics of 1D and 2D Asymmetric Double-Well
Oscillators,’’ M. K. Zaremba, and J. A. Bentley, NASA Space Grant
Conference, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS. February
28, 1997.
- "Wave Packet Dynamics of Local Mode Water,’’ J. K.
Tonos, M. K. Zaremba, and J. A. Bentley, Sixty-Second Annual Meeting
of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, February 28, 1998.
- "High Vibrational Energies of Water,’’ G.
M. Balam, and J. A. Bentley, Sixty-Second Annual Meeting of the Mississippi
Academy of Sciences, Thursday, February 28, 1998.
- "The Calculation of Ro-Vibrational Energies of HOCl,''
A. K. Creel and J. A. Bentley, Sixty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Fri. Feb. 9, 2001.
- "Highly Excited Ro-Vibrational Eigenstates of HOCl,''
A. K. Creel and J. A. Bentley, Sixty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Fri. Feb. 22, 2002.
- "The
Accurate Calculation of Ro-Vibrational Eigenenergies of H16OD,"
J. L. Curry and J. A. Bentley, 12th Annual Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Fri. Oct. 31, 2003.
- "The
Accurate Calculation of Ro-Vibrational Eigenenergies of H16OD,"
J. L. Curry and J. A. Bentley, Sixty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the
Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Fri. Feb. 20, 2004.
- “Comparison
of C13-NMR Chemical Shifts with Quantum Calculations,” C.
Givens, J. A. Bentley and A. P. Somlai, Seventy–First Annual Meeting of the
Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Feb. 22, 2007.
- “Comparison
of C13-NMR Chemical Shifts with Quantum Calculations,” C.
Givens, J. A. Bentley and A. P. Somlai, Sixteenth Annual Conference on
Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Nov. 3, 2007.