- "Quantum Mechanical Study of Large Amplitude Motion
in HCN and HCCH," Special Theoretical Chemistry Seminar, The University
of Texas at Austin, Friday, March 8, 1991.
- "Quantum Mechanical Study of Large Amplitude Motion
in HCN and HCCH," Molecular Physics Group Seminar, Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory, Monday, March 18, 1991.
- "Large Amplitude Motion in HCN and HCCH," The University of Notre Dame, Friday, May 10, 1991.
- "Quantum Studies of Floppy Molecules: HCN and HCCH,"
Physical Chemistry Journal Club Seminar, Emory University, Monday, Oct.
28, 1991.
- "A New Global HCN/HNC Potential Energy Surface Based
on Ab Initio Data," Twenty-first Southeastern Theoretical
Chemistry Association Conference, Saturday, May 30, 1992.
- "A Progress Report on Comparisons of Theory and
Experiment for Highly Excited HCO, HCN, and ," Joint Seminar with
J. M. Bowman, Telluride Academy Workshop on Experimental and Theoretical
Studies of Vibration-Rotation Spectra of Highly Excited Molecules, Tuesday,
July 7, 1992.
- "Floppy Molecules," Mississippi State
University, May 10, 1993.
- "Acetylene Superpolyad Quantum Dynamics," 47th Southeast/51st Southwest American Chemical Society Joint Regional
Meeting, Memphis, TN, Friday, Dec. 1, 1995.
- "Floppy Molecules," Mississippi College,
April 1, 1997.
- "Good Vibrations: Theory and Methods for QM Calculations
on Water," Louisiana Tech University, Wed. March 11, 1998.
- "Floppy Molecules: Theory and Methods for the Calculation
of Vibrational States and Spectra," University of Southern
Mississippi, Fri. Oct. 9, 1998.
- "Floppy Molecules: Theory and Methods for the Calculation of Vibrational States and Spectra,''
The University of Texas at Tyler, Wed. Mar.22, 2000.
- "The Accurate Calculation of Ro-Vibrational Eigenenergies
of Triatomic Molecules," University of Southern Mississippi, Fri. Dec. 3, 2004.
- "The Accurate Calculation of Ro-Vibrational Eigenenergies
of Hydrogen Cyanide," The Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting of the Mississippi
Academy of Sciences, Fri. Feb. 18, 2005.
- D. Chapman, J. A. Bentley, B. Gazdy, and J. M. Bowman,
"Wavepacket Relaxation and Complete Absorption Spectrum of ," XXth Informal Conference on Photochemistry, Monday, April 27, 1992.
- P. Schafer, J. M. Bowman, and J. A. Bentley, "Numerical
Truncation/ Recoupling Calculations of the High Energy Vibrational Spectrum
of Hydrogen Peroxide," XXth Informal Conference on Photochemistry,
Wednesday, April 29, 1992.
- P. Schafer, J. A. Bentley, and J. M. Bowman, "Numerical
Truncation/ Recoupling Calculations of the High Energy Vibrational Spectrum
of Hydrogen Peroxide," Twenty-first Southeastern Theoretical
Chemistry Association Conference, Friday, May 29, 1992.
- "High Vibrational Energies of Water,’’ G.
M. Balam, and J. A. Bentley, Gordon Conference, Mon.-Tues. June 29-30, 1998.
- "High Vibrational Energies of Water,''
G. M. Balam, and J. A. Bentley, 7th Annual Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Fri. Nov. 6, 1998.
- "Spectroscopic Constants, Anharmonic Forcefields, and Bound States of
HOCl,'' J. A. Bentley and B. Ramachandran, Dynamics of Molecular Collisions Conference, Tues. July 20, 1999.
- "Bound States of HOCl and DOCl,'' J. A. Bentley and B. Ramachandran, Sixty-Fourth Annual
Meeting of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Thurs. Feb. 24, 2000.
- "The Accurate Calculation of Ro-Vibrational Eigenenergies
of H12C14N," J. A. Bentley and J. L. Curry,
13th Annual Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Fri. Nov.
12, 2004.
- “Comparison
of C13-NMR Chemical Shifts with Quantum Calculations,” C. Givens,
J. A. Bentley and A. P. Somlai, The Third Annual Faculty Research and
Scholarship Symposium, Delta State University, April 11-12, 2007.