Delta State University

Student Satisfaction Inventory

Each item below describes an expectation about your experiences on this campus. Using the scale below on the left, tell us how important it is for your institution to meet the expectation. On the right, tell us how satisfied you are that your institution has met this expectation.


                                                         (A) Very Important/Strongly Agree
                                                         (B) Important/Agree
                                                         (C) Neutral
                                                         (D) Not Very Important/Disagree
                                                         (E) Not Important/Strongly Disagree

  Importance to me.....                                                                                                                           Level of Agreement.....

  A B E    1. Financial aid counselors are helpful                                                       A C D E    

  A C D E    2. Class change (drop/add) policies are reasonable                                  B D E

  A B C D E    3. The registration process is understandable and efficient                         A B E

  A B C E    4. Admissions staff are knowledgeable and helpful                                    B C D E

  A B C D E    5. Admissions counselors respond to prospective students' unique             B C D E
                                                    needs and requests

  A B C D E    6. I seldom get the "run-around" when seeking information on this campus B C D  E

  A B C D E    7. Library resources and services are adequate                                          AB C D E

  A B C D E    8. Computer labs are adequate and accessible                                           A BC D  E

  A B D E    9. There is adequate and convenient food service available                         AB C D  E

  A B D E    10. Academic support services adequately meet the needs of students        AB E

  A B D E    11. Bookstore hours are convenient                                                          B E

  A B D E    12. The Bursar's office is open during hours which are convenient for most C E

  A B D E    13. The campus is safe and secure for all students                                      C E

  A B D E    14. I am able to experience intellectual growth here                                    C E

  A B DE    15. It is an enjoyable experience to be a student on this campus                   C E

  A B D E    16. This institution has a good reputation within the community                    C E

  A B D E    17. There is a strong commitment to racial harmony on this campus             A C E

  A B D E    18. Channels for expressing student concerns are clearly stated                   A BC E

  A B D E    19. There is a commitment to academic excellence on this campus              E

  A B D E    20. The quality of instruction I receive in most of my classes is excellent      A  B E

  A B D E    21. Faculty are usually available after class and during office hours              A   B D E

  A B D E    22. Faculty are fair and unbiased in their treatment of individual students     A  E

  A B D E    23. Faculty provide timely feedback about students progress in a course    A   B E

  A B D E    24. Faculty take into consideration student differences as they teach a        A   B C   D E

  A B D E    25. Because of the low number of full-time faculty I have not received        A  C   D E
                                                       quality teaching from full-time faculty

  A B D E    26. Adjunct faculty are competent as classroom instructors                        A  C   D E

  A B D E    27. Adjunct faculty demonstrate the knowledge and ability to teach            A  E
                                                       graduate courses

  A B D E    28. Graduate assistants are fairly compensated on this campus                   A  C   E

  A B D E    29. Graduate assistantships provide an opportunity to gain useful               A   C   D E
                                                        experiences for future employment

  A B D E    30. My academic advisor is concerned about my success as an individual  A   E

  A B D E    31. My academic advisor is knowledgeable about requirements in my        A   B D   E

  A B D E    32. The content of the courses within my major is valuable                         A   B D   E

  A B D E    33. The classes within my program meet the needs of my schedule            A   B D   E

  How satisfied are you that this campus demonstrates a commitment to meeting the needs of:

                                                           Very Satisfied        Satisfied         Neutral        Not Very Satisfied      Not at all Satisfied

   34. Part-time students                                                                                                                 

   35. Evening students                                                                                                                   

   36. Non-traditional students                                                                                                        

   37. Minorities                                                                                                                             

   38. Commuters                                                                                                                           

   39. Students with disabilities                                                                                                        

   40. On-line students                                                                                                                    

   41. DSU branch campus students                                                                                                

  How important  were these factors in your decision to continue your studies in graduate school?

                                                         Very Important        Important      Neutral        Not Very Important      Not at all Important

  42. Poor Economy                                                                                                                       

  43. Potential for higher income                                                                                                      

  44. Competition in the job market                                                                                                 

  45. Did not want to leave home                                                                                                     

  46. No job offers at the present time                                                                                             

  47. Other                                                                                                                                     

 How important were each of the following factors in your decision to enroll in a graduate program at Delta State?

                                                                   Very Important        Important     Neutral        Not Very Important       Not at all Important

  48. Cost                                                                                                                                                 

  49. Financial Aid                                                                                                                                     

  50. Academic reputation                                                                                                                         

  51. Size of institution                                                                                                                               

  52. Recommendation from family/friends                                                                                                 

  53. Geographic setting                                                                                                                            

  54. Campus appearance                                                                                                                         

  55. Personalized attention prior to enrollment                                                                                          

  56. Programs offerings                                                                                                                           


 How did you hear about the graduate programs at Delta State? Mark all that apply.

     57. Radio advertisement                        61. Representation at conferences         65. Career Fairs

     58. Magazine/Journal advertisements     62. Web site                                         66. Recommendation from faculty

     59. Newspaper advertisements             63. Phone Call from DSU                      67. Attended as an undergraduate

     60. Television advertisements                64. Personal contact via mail                 68. Other


69. Please rate your overall satisfaction with your experience here thus far.

     Very Satisfied    Satisfied    Neutral   Dissatisfied    Very Dissatisfied

70. Would the creation of a graduate student organization be of value to you?

      Yes  No (If no, go to question 72)

71. How likely would you be to participate in a graduate student organization?

      Very likely   Somewhat likely  Somewhat unlikely   Very unlikely



72. What is your college/school affiliation:  College of Arts and Sciences College of Business College of Education  School of Nursing

73. How many hours have you completed in your graduate work?  0-9    10-30  31-60

74. What type of degree are you working towards? Master's    Specialist's Doctoral

75. What is your gender? Male   Female

76. What is your age?      19-22  23-26   27-30  31-39   over 40



Thank you for your participation.