Research in Progress


Kim, D., & Ammeter, A. P. Mobile social capital and it effects on innovation adoption and implementation.

    I am currently working on my dissertation entitled ¡°The Impact of The User-IT Artifacts Interaction on Technology Implementation and Value: Mobile Social Networking and Mobile Social Capital.¡± I am studying how mobile social networking for professional purposes enhances job and organizational performance. My theoretical model integrates theories of social capital, social response, social networking, technology adoption, and social cognition. This study explores mobile social capital as a communication facilitator and as a resource embedded in the interactions of a user with professional mobile networks of practice (e.g., LinkedIn). I use mobile social capital to explain how people communicate with each other and share their information in a virtual community even though they are not actually and physically connected. 

Kim, D., & Ammeter, A. P. Predicting personal information system adoption with an integrated diffusion model.

    This study investigates adoption of mobile handheld devices (which I name - ¡°Personal Information Systems¡±) using a model integrating innovation diffusion theory and task-technology fit. This research uses my integrated model to explore the adoption of multi-purposed devices and extends the previous research about technology adoption which has overlooked the role of multi-featured technology. The results show that while technology quality is positively related to transaction features, compatibility is positively associated with communication, information, transaction, and entertainment tasks. The study is being submitted to Information & Management (INFMAN-D-11-*****).

Click here for manuscript

Kim, D., & Ammeter, A. P. Examining Shifts in Online Purchasing Behavior: Decoding the 'Net Generation.

This research suggests that Net Generation, those born after the widespread adoption of the personal computer and the Internet, act differently when shopping online than previous generations. The results show that while ¡®interactivity¡¯ and ¡®enjoyment¡¯ are more important to the Net Generation¡¯s intentions to purchase than the preNet Generation, ¡®purchase involvement¡¯ is more important to the preNet Generation. The study is being submitted to the International Journal of Electronic Commerce.

Click here for manuscript

Kim, D. Under-subjective knowledge and its impact on adoption of new technology: innovation diffusion theory.

        I am beginning in investigation of the relationship between consumer knowledge and adoption of smartphone technology. I am designing a lab experiment with software built in Visual Basic. The experiment explores the negative impact of ¡°under subjective consumer knowledge,¡± which is the extent to which consumers feel they have little or no knowledge (even though they actually do), on technology adoption and implementation and how ¡°compatibility¡± mitigates this negative effect. The theoretical model was presented at AMCIS 2011 and I am currently developing the methodology to test this model.

Click here for manuscript

Kim, D., & Whang, J. Impact of user¡¯s cognitive response on innovation adoption and implementation.

Kim, D., &Lee, S. A Cross-cultural study on adoption of wireless handheld device: Risk theory and TOE framework.