Fischman, Robert L. (2003). The National Wildlife Refuges: Coordinating a Conservation System Through Law. Washington, DC: Island Press. ISBN: 1-55963-991-1.
Week 1: Course Introduction
Date: Thursday, January 13, 2011
Location: 102 Jobe Hall, DSU
- Welcome and Introduction to the Course
- Review the Course Schedule and Goals
- Introduction: Ecological Restoration along the Mississippi River Watershed
- Introduction: Conserving Public Lands for Wildlife
Week 2: Ecology and Restoration of Bottomland Hardwood Forests
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2011
Location: 102 Jobe Hall, DSU
- Dr. Reid Bishop
- Mississippi Alluvial Valley restoration
- Importance of bottomland hardwood forests on birds and wildlife
- Geology of riparian systems and forests
Week 3: Sociological Aspects of Bottomland Hardwood Forest Restoration
Date: Thursday, January 27, 2011
Location: 102 Jobe Hall, DSU
- Dr. Alan Barton
- Class discussion on the social dimensions of bottomland hardwood ecosystem destruction and regeneration
Week 4: Resource Management on the National Wildlife Refuge System
Date: Thursday, February 3, 2011
Location: 102 Jobe Hall, DSU
Reading: Chapters 1 - 4 (pp. 1 - 76) in Fischman
- Dr. Alan Barton
- Authority, property and the rule of law
- Using law to organize conservation
- History of efforts to protect wildlife on public lands in the U.S.
Week 5:
Date: Thursday, February 10, 2011
- Class cancelled due to snow
Week 6: Case Study of Desired Forest Conditions on Private Lands
Date: Thursday, February 17, 2011
Location: 102 Jobe Hall, DSU
- Dr. Reid Bishop
- Case study of implementing the desired forest conditions plan at Catfish Point
Week 7: Ecology and Restoration of Grassland Ecosystems
Date: Thursday, February 24, 2011
Location: 102 Jobe Hall, DSU
- Chad Pope, Audubon Mississippi, Strawberry Plains Audubon Center
- Restoring grassland ecosystems
Week 8: Legal Governance of National Wildlife Refuges
Date: Thursday, March 3, 2011
Location: 102 Jobe Hall, DSU
Reading: Chapters 5 - 9 (pp. 79 - 159) in Fischman
- Dr. Alan Barton
- Purpose, Uses, Planning, Management and Participation on Wildlife Refuges
Week 9: The Human Nature of Nature
Date: Thursday, March 10, 2011
Location: 102 Jobe Hall, DSU
- Dr. Alan Barton
- The social construction of natural resources and the environment (Ch. 8 in Bell book)
SPRING BREAK, March 17, 2010
Week 10: Resource Management on Private Lands
Date: Thursday, March 24, 2011
Location: 102 Jobe Hall, DSU
- Dr. Jason Gordon, Mississippi State University Cooperative Extension Service
- Role of privatization in the destruction and restoration of bottomland hardwood forests
- Forest Management Plans on private lands
Week 11: Resource Management on Individual Wildlife Refuges
Date: Thursday, March 31, 2011
Location: 102 Jobe Hall, DSU
Reading: Chapters 10 - 13 (pp. 163 - 210) in Fischman
- Dr. Alan Barton
- Individual Purposes and Individual Uses of Wildlife Refuges
Week 12: Mississippi River Restoration
Date: Thursday, April 7, 2011
Location: 102 Jobe Hall, DSU
- Dr. Ron Nasser, U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service
- Restoring the main channel of the Mississippi River
Week 13: Restoring Backyard Habitats
Date: Thursday, April 14, 2011
Location: 102 Jobe Hall, DSU
- Kristin Lambert, Audubon Mississippi, Strawberry Plains Audubon Center
- Increasing habitat by restoring nature in unusual places
Week 14:
Date: Thursday, April 21, 2011
Good Friday Holiday, No Class Meeting
Week 15: Restoring Wildlife Refuges
Date: Thursday, April 28, 2011
Location: 102 Jobe Hall, DSU
- Eva Kristofik, Refuge Manager, Dahomey National Wildlife Refuge
- Restoration for single species
- Restoring Dahomey NWR