Journal Reading List for Graduate Students
Globalization as a Phenomenon –
Altvater, E. & B. Mahnkopf. 1997. The world market unbound. Review of International Political Economy 4(3):448-471. (Available from John Green)
Beck, U. 2001. Redefining power in the global age: eight theses. Dissent Fall: 83-89. (Available on-line: DSU Library electronic journals)
Beck, U. 2000. “The world horizon opens up: on the sociology of globalization.” Pp. 22-63 in What is Globalization by U. Beck. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. (Available from John Green)
Bourdieu, P. 2001. Uniting to better dominate. Items and Issues 2(3-4): 1-6. (To be read in conjunction with: Bhagwati, J. 2001. Why globalization is good. Items and Issues 2(3-4): 7-8.) (Available from John Green)
Globalization and the State –
Carmody, P. 2002. Between globalization and (post) Apartheid: the political economy of restructuring in South Africa. Journal of Southern African Studies 28(2): 255-275. (Available on-line: DSU Library electronic journals)
Croucher, S.C. 2003. Perpetual imagining: nationhood in a global era. International Studies Review 5: 1-24. (Available in the DSU Library)
Mohan, J. 2003. Geography and social welfare policy: spatial divisions of welfare. Progress in Human Geography 27(3): 363-374. (Available on-line: DSU Library electronic journals)
Reich, R. 1992. The problem restated, the decline of public investment, the uses of vestigial thought, the new community and the politics of succession. Pp. 243-300 in The Work of Nations: Preparing Ourselves for 21st Century Capitalism by R. Reich. New York, NY: Vintage Books. (Available from John Green)
Thier, A. & J. Chopra. 2002. The road ahead: political and institutional reconstruction in Afghanistan. Third World Quarterly 23(5):893-907. (Available on-line: DSU Library electronic journals)
Economy, Labor and Livelihood Security –
Anderson, C.D., M.D. Schulman & P.J. Wood. 2001. Globalization and uncertainty: the restructuring of southern textiles. Social Problems 48(4): 478-498. (Available from John Green)
De Haan, L.J. 2000. Globalization, localization and sustainable livelihood. Sociologia Ruralis 40(3): 339-365. (Available from John Green)
Glasmeier, A.K. & R.M. Leichenko. 1999. What does the future hold?: what globalization might mean for the rural south. Southern Rural Sociology 15: 59-83. (Available from John Green)
Gouveia, L. 1994. “Global strategies and local linkages: the case of the US meatpacking industry.” Pp. 125-148 in From Columbus to ConAgra: The Globalization of Agriculture and Food Edited by A. Bonanno, L. Busch, W.H. Friedland, L. Gouveia and E. Mingione. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas. (Available from John Green)
Environment and Sustainability –
Audley, J. 2003. Lemons into lemonade?: environment’s new role in U.S. trade policy. Environment 45(2): 29-34. (Available on-line: DSU Library electronic journals)
Shelton, D. 2002. Environmental rights in multilateral treaties adopted between 1991 and 2001. Environmental Policy and Law 32(2): 70-78. (Available on-line: DSU Library electronic journals)
Von Schirnding, Y., W. Onzivu & A.O. Adede. 2002. International environmental law and global public health. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 80(12): 970-974. (Available on-line: DSU Library electronic journals)
Social Movement Responses to Globalization –
Boswell, T. & D. Stevis. 1997. Globalization and international labor organizing. Work and Occupations 24(3): 288-308.
Evans, P. 2000. Fighting marginalization with transnational networks: counter-hegemonic globalization. Contemporary Sociology 29(1): 230-241.
Palacios, J.J. 2001. Globalisation’s double movement: societal responses to market expansion in the 21st century. Paper presented at the Eighth Karl Polanyi International Conference. Mexico City. (Available on-line:
Teivainen, T. 2002. The World Social Forum and global democratization: learning from Porte Alegre. Third World Quarterly 23(4): 621-632. (Available on-line: DSU Library electronic journals)