State University
Sociology 101
Spring Semester 2003
Henslin Text, Chapter 9
What is the difference between race and ethnicity?
What does it mean to say race and ethnicity are social constructs?
(2) Identify two cultural myths generally held about race. Why do these myths exist? What evidence do we have to counter these myths?
What is a minority group? What
is a dominant group? What
differentiates the two?
What factors generate ethnic identity?
Why do some groups feel a strong ethnic identity, while other groups do
What is meant by prejudice, discrimination and racism?
What is the difference between individual and institutional
discrimination? How can we
recognize or identify institutional discrimination?
Contrast the functionalist, conflict and symbolic interactionists
perspectives on prejudice.
Identify 6 patterns that structure relations between dominant and
minority groups. Explain what
conditions might produce each type of relationship.
How do relations between the dominant group and various racial/ethnic
minorities in the United States (African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans,
Native Americans) differ? Which of
the 6 general patterns best describes relations between the dominant group and
each of these groups? Explain.
Do you think affirmative action has been a successful policy in the U.S.?
What evidence supports your position?
Do you think we should continue with affirmative actions programs in the
future? Why or why not?
What is meant by the term multiculturalism?
Is the U.S. a multicultural society?
Why or why not?