Delta State University
Sociology 101
Spring Semester 2003
Henslin Text, Chapter 7
What is meant by social stratification?
Provide three examples of ways in which societies are stratified.
What is the difference between ascribed and achieved status?
Explain the relationship between ascribed and/or achieved status and each
of the following systems of stratification:
Compare the theories of stratification provided by Karl Marx and Max
Weber. What do the theories have in
common, and how do they differ?
What is meant by false consciousness?
How does this differ from class consciousness?
Provide an example that illustrates the difference between the two.
According to the functionalist perspective elaborated by Davis and Moore,
why do we observe stratification in all societies?
Do these authors provide a reasonable explanation?
Why or why not?
According to the conflict perspective elaborated by Mosca, Marx, Mills,
and others, why do we observe stratification in all societies?
Do these authors provide a reasonable argument?
Why or why not?
Describe four strategies that elites use to maintain their privileged
position. How do these strategies
differ by the type of authority in society?
What roles do dependency and internal culture play in international
stratification? How are systems of
global stratification perpetuated?
How might a conflict theorist respond to Herbert J. Gans’ “The Uses
of Poverty: The Poor Pay All?”