Delta State University
Sociology 101
Spring Semester 2003

Study Questions
Henslin Text, Chapter 3

(1)  Explain what sociologists mean when they say “society makes us human.”  What types of evidence and examples can we draw upon to understand this notion?

(2)  Identify the contributions of the following theorists to our understanding of processes of socialization:

Charles Horton Cooley
George Herbert Mead
Jean Piaget
Sigmund Freud
Erving Goffman

(3)  Explain how each of the following might contribute to Bill’s socialization:

Bill’s parents
Bill’s childhood friends
Bill’s university professors

(4)  Henslin says: “Much of our socialization is intended to turn us into conforming members of society” (p. 65).  Do you agree or disagree with this statement?  Why?  Assuming Henslin’s assertion is correct, identify some positive and negative aspects of socialization creating conformity.

(5)  Explain the concept of agents of socialization.  Identify a few agents of socialization.  Choose one and provide an example of how it might operate to contribute to the process of socialization.

(6)  Are the effects of our childhood (primary) socialization locked in?  What evidence can you cite to support your response?

(7)  Explain how perceptions of what is normal affect socialization at different stages of the life course.

(8)  What is the product of socialization?