Delta State University
Sociology 101
Spring Semester 2003
Study Questions
Henslin Text, Chapter 14
(1) What is demography? What is the connection between demography and famine?
(2) Explain Thomas Malthus’ theorem, derived from his first Essay on the Principle of Population. Is Malthus’ theorem relevant today? Suggest how a New Malthusian and an Anti-Malthusian might answer this question.
(3) Why are people starving? What must be done to reduce starvation on a global scale? Must we first concentrate on food production, or on population control? Why?
(4) What is the demographic transition? Explain the factors that contribute to each stage in the demographic transition (e.g. Why are both birth rates and death rates high in stage one? Why does mortality drop in stage two, while fertility stays high? Why does fertility drop in stage three? And what factors lead to population decrease in stage four?)
(5) Why is it important to understand demographic trends? What practical applications stem from an understanding of demography?
(6) Define the following terms:
· Fertility rate
· Fecundity
· Crude birth rate
· Crude death rate
· Net migration rate
· Migrant paths
· Growth rate
· Zero population growth
· Metropolis
· Megalopolis
· Metropolitan statistical area
(7) Identify and explain three models that portray patterns of urban growth. What are some problems with these models?
(8) Identify several different groups of people who live in cities. Would these groups interact to form community, or would the proximity of these diverse groups lead to alienation? Why?
(9) What are some important urban problems, and what can be done to address them?