Delta State University
Sociology 101
Spring Semester 2003
Study Questions
Henslin Text, Chapter 13
(1) Identify important differences between educational institutions in industrialized, industrializing and least industrialized nations.
(2) Contrast the functionalist, conflict and symbolic interactionist perspectives on education. What are key educational issues according to each perspective?
(3) Henslin identifies mediocrity and violence as two important issues facing U.S. educators. What can be done to address these issues?
(4) Some sociologists suggest that higher educational standards lead to improved school performance. In light of this observation, critique the daily activities that occur in a kindergarten classroom, and include suggestions as to how these activities might be altered to raise the standards.
(5) According to Durkheim, what is the difference between a religion and a church?
(6) Contrast the functionalist, conflict and symbolic interactionist perspectives on religion. Apply each to analyze a religion with which you are familiar.
(7) According to Weber, how are religion and capitalism connected? Explain the elements of his argument.
(8) What are the four types of religious groups? How do they differ? Suggest examples of each type of group.
(9) Identify outstanding characteristics of religious groups in the U.S. and their members. How do social relations (class, race and ethnicity, age, gender) differentiate religious groups in the U.S.?