Delta State University
SSC 570: Methods of Social Research
Spring Semester 2006


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Assignment:  Critique the draft methodological approach of another group.

Grade:  5 points

Process:  You will receive the draft methodological approach from another student.  You should carefully read the draft methodological approach, and prepare a critique of the methods the other student plans to use, evaluating various aspects of the methods section. 


Submit:  A critique of the methodological approach of one other student.  In your critique, you should comment on the quality and completeness of the draft methods section.  Consider the following questions:  Are the methods the student proposes appropriate given the research topic and question?  Has the student adequately expressed how he/she will measure the phenomenon of interest?  Has the student chosen one method and described in detail how he/she will choose the sample, construct the variables or concepts, collect the data, and analyze the data?  Is the methods section complete?

Prepare a critique that will help the other student improve the draft methodological approach.

Your critique should be approximately one page.


Due:  April 11, 2006