Delta State University
SSC 470/570: Methods of Social Research
Fall Semester 2005

 Group Evaluation

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Assignment:  Evaluate the contributions of your partner to the group project.

Grade:  2 points

Process:  Each group member will submit an evaluation of their partner.  This is submitted confidentially and will not be revealed to anyone else in the class.  You should assign your partner a grade based on a scale of 110, with 10 being the highest.  This grade should be based on the quality of the work the group member did on the project over the course of the semester.  Consider if you think your partner worked hard, met frequently to work on the assignment, contributed equally to the project, and performed high quality work.


Submit:  A short narrative in which you describe the contributions of your partner to the project, and a score for your partner on a scale of 1 to 10.  Submit your group evaluation at the same time you submit your proposal, on a separate sheet of paper.  You can put the evaluation in an envelope or fold and staple the paper to ensure it is confidential.  Include your name, and make sure you identify who you are evaluating.

Due:  December 1, 2005