Delta State University
SSC 470/570: Methods of Social Research
Fall Semester 2005
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Assignment: Critique the
draft methodological approach of another group.
Grade: 3 points
Process: The draft methodological approach of another group will be distributed to your group members. Each member should read the draft methodological approach, and prepare a critique of the methods the group plans to use. You should carefully evaluate various aspects of the group's methods section.
Submit: A critique of the methodological approach of one other group. In your critique, you should comment on the quality and completeness of the draft methods section. Consider the following questions: Are the methods they propose appropriate given their research topic and question? Have they adequately expressed how they will measure the phenomenon they are studying? Have they chosen one method and described in detail how they will choose their sample, construct their variables or concepts, collect their data, and analyze their data? Is their methods section complete?
Prepare a critique that will help the other group improve their draft
methodological approach.
Your critique should be approximately one page
Each group member should submit three copies of your critique. This is not a group assignment; each member in the group must submit a critique of the other group's methods.
Due: November 10, 2005