Delta State University
SSC 470/570: Methods of Social Research
Fall Semester 2005

Accessing Additional Readings

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Curtis, James E., Douglas E. Baer, and Edward G. Grabb. 2001. Nation of Joiners: Explaining Voluntary Association Membership in Democratic Societies. American Sociological Review 66(6):783–805.

(1)  From the DSU homepage, click on the "Libraries" tab at the top of the page

(2)  On the page titled "Library Services," click on "Full Text Electronic Journals" at the bottom of the page or in the column on the left

(3)  Under "Browse e-journals by title," click on the "A"

(4)  Click on the heading "Ame - Ann"

(5)  Scroll down to "American Sociological Review" and click on the link that says "JSTOR Arts and Sciences I Collection"

(6)  On the "American Sociological Review" page, click on "Browse This Journal"

(7)  Under "Volumes available for browsing," click on the link for "Vols. 61 - 67" (1996 - 2002)

(8)  On the page titled "Issues available for browsing in Vols. 61 - 67," scroll down to Vol. 66 (2001).  Click on the link that says "No. 6" (for the issue Dec., 2001, pp. i-ii+783-942).

(7)  On the page titled "American Sociological Review, Vol. 66, No. 6, Dec., 2001," find the link for the article titled "Nations of Joiners: Explaining Voluntary Association Membership in Democratic Societies."  You can click on this link to read the title on-line.  To print the article, click on the link below the title that says "Print," and follow the instructions.  To download the article, click on the link below the title that says "Download" and follow the instructions.