SOC 470/570
Methods of Social Research
Spring Semester 2004
Schedule of Final Presentations
Monday April 26:
Alkie Edwards & Jurnis Reed (Economic Development)
Tanesha Harbin & Ambreya Avery (Racial Profiling)
Chaka Thomas & Jason Webster (No Child Left Behind)
Cedric Burks & Tiffany Brown (Unemployment and Crime)
Wednesday April 28:
James Phillips & Orienfro Chestnut (Alzheimer's Caregivers)
Rosie Mason, Terry Reynolds & Larry Webster (After School Programs)
Jody Smith & Stephanie Fletcher (Underage Drinking)
Shelia Lucas & Sharone Thomas (Homelessness)
Wednesday May 5:
Armenda Rodgers & Rae Palmer (Campus Security)
Stephanie Foules, Bonita Horn & Denio Buck (School Uniforms & Violence)
Shannon Hulton & Andi Terry (Miranda Rights)
Cherrie Criss & Latricia Mapp (Exceptional Students)