Delta State University
SSC 101: Engaging the Social Sciences
Spring Semester 2007



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Contact your advisor and set up a meeting at some point over the next two weeks.  It is best if you arrange to meet during your advisor’s regular office hours.  If you do not yet have an advisor, see Linda Douglas in Bailey 216.


Read over the Advisor Worksheet to prepare for the interview.  Your interview should last approximately 15 minutes.  Collect information that will help you address the questions on the worksheet.  Use a separate sheet of paper to take notes and record the answers.  This does not have to be a “formal” interview – it should be more like a conversation with your advisor, and you can talk about any topics you like.  At some point during the conversation, however, you should collect information to complete the worksheet.


Note that under the section on “Interests,” you only need to ask your advisor two of the five questions listed.  You also should come up with two questions on your own, prior to the interview.  You should pose these questions to your advisor and record the responses.


Once you have completed the interview, sit down and type up the responses to each question.  Turn this in at the beginning of class on April 11.

Click here to download or print the Advisor Worksheet.