Delta State University
SOC 485/585
Summer I 2004
Study Questions, Week 1
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for the Week:
Introduction to Population Studies
Readings for the Week:
Joseph A. McFalls, Jr. 2003. Population: A Lively Introduction,
Fourth Edition. Population Bulletin, Vol. 58, No. 4, Population Reference
Bureau, Washington, DC.
Lester R. Brown, Gary Gardner, and Brian
Halweil. 1998. Beyond Malthus: Sixteen Dimensions of the Population Problem.
Worldwatch Paper 143, Worldwatch Institute, Washington, DC. pp. 5−39.
(1) What is demography? What are some important questions that demography can help us answer?
(2) What is meant by fertility? What factors influence the fertility rate? What factors affect differentials in fertility among different groups of women?
(3) What is meant by mortality? What factors influence the mortality rate? What factors affect differentials in mortality among different groups?
(4) What is meant by migration? What factors influence the decision to migrate? What factors affect differentials in migration among different groups?
(5) Identify the meaning and means of calculating each of the following demographic measures, and explain why each measure is important:
Crude Birth Rate
General Birth Rate
Age-Specific Birth Rate
Total Fertility Rate
Crude Death Rate
Infant Mortality Rate
Life Expectancy
Net Migration Rate
Population Density
Rate of Natural Increase
Growth Rate
Median Age
(9) Explain how population in the U.S. is distributed, and how this has changed over time. Explain the same conditions for the world population.
(10) What does the term zero population growth refer to? What would it take for the world to reach zero population growth?
(11) What is meant by population decline? What are some causes of population decline? Where is population decline currently occurring? Is population decline likely to produce zero population growth?
(12) How do conditions differ in countries that have achieved population stability, in countries that are on their way to population stability, and in countries that have not achieved population stability? How do the future prospects of these countrys citizens differ? How will the differences in these countries change the face of the globe over the course of your lifetime?
(13) For each of the following issues, explain (a) the nature of the issue and why it is a problem, (b) the relationship between this issue and population change, (c) the factors that have contributed to or produced this problem, (d) trends in this issue over the past half-century, and (e) projected trends over the next half-century:
Grain Production
Fresh Water
Biological Diversity
Climate Change/Global Warming
Ocean Fisheries
Crop Production