SOC 585
Population and Environment
Summer I 2004
Guidelines on Leading the Discussion on Demographic Research
On June 11, 18 and 25 we will have sessions
dedicated to teaching about demographic research. In each session, three
of the graduate students in the class will lead a discussion on one of the
assigned articles. Each discussion should last about 30 minutes, and the
participants will be the other graduate students in the course. We will
assign the articles to individual students at the beginning of the semester.
In your discussion, you should highlight the important points made in the
article, and relate them to the information presented in class lectures and
discussions, and the other readings for the course. You should ask
provocative questions that encourage your fellow students to think about and
engage with the information presented in the article. It is your
responsibility as discussion leader to keep the discussion going, and to involve
all of the students in the discussion.
You will also prepare a lesson plan about the article, but your discussion is a
separate assignment; that is, you are NOT to lead the discussion based on
your lesson plan. The lesson plan should be aimed at an elementary or high
school class; your discussion should be aimed at your fellow graduate students.