Delta State University
SOC 474: Applied Rural Sociology
Spring Semester 2006
Attendance and Discussion |
You are expected to attend class regularly and engage regularly in discussions. Since the class meets once a week, each session is equivalent to three hour-long meetings. Thus, missing class even once can be costly, and will be reflected in your grade.
There are a total of 20 points for attendance and discussion. Ten of these will reflect the extent to which you participate in class discussion, and 10 will reflect attendance. If you attend all class sessions, you will earn 10 points for your attendance grade. If you fail to come to class, but notify the instructor in advance by e-mail, telephone, or in person, your attendance grade will be reduced by 1 point. If you fail to notify the instructor, your grade will be reduced by 2 points. If you must miss class for a legitimate reason (e.g., illness, university activity), and you bring an excuse, in the first instance, this will not affect your grade. Subsequent instances will be treated like notified absences.
Note that five unexcused absences will result in a zero on attendance. Points will be deducted for additional absences as well. Also, a high number of absences increases the likelihood that additional points will be deducted from your course total for lack of engagement. If you have more than six absences over the course of the semester, it is very unlikely that you will earn a passing grade in this course.