Delta State University
Sociology 421
Fall 2004
Writing Assignment No. 6
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Due: Monday, October 18
Instructions: Prepare a two page essay on the topic identified below. Be sure to develop an explanation or argument in your essay. See the link from the course home page for tips on writing an effective essay.
Topic: The competition between farmers and suburban dwellers for the same lands sets up a classic conflict between economic development (of real estate) and conservation of natural and cultural amenities (open space, traditional values). This conflict is illustrated in the video “Houses in the Fields” and the NY Times article “Battle of Farmer vs. Suburbanites Leads to a Big Stink.”
Discuss some of the issues that created conflicts between farmers and suburbanites in the video and/or article from the perspective of sustainable development. Is it possible for the real estate and agricultural interests to co-exist? Are there other solutions to the problem that link the competing interests in productive ways?