Delta State University
SOC 101: Principles of Sociology
Fall Semester 2006
The Sociological Imagination |
C. Wright Mills, a prominent twentieth century sociologist, developed the
concept of the sociological imagination to help the general public understand
what it is that sociologists do. He wanted people to understand this for
more than mere intellectual curiosity; continuing a long tradition in the
discipline, he believed that exercising their sociological imagination could
empower people to take control of their lives. Excerpts from Mills' book
are widely used in introductory sociology courses to help students understand
this basic aspect of the study of sociology.
What is the Sociological Imagination?
Mills states "the sociological imagination enables its possessor to understand
the larger historical scene in terms of its meaning for the inner life and the
external career of a variety of individuals." Most people live their
lives in relatively small groups. They interact with their families,
friends, co-workers, fellow students, neighbors, and so on. Their
understanding of the world is heavily conditioned by this context, yet all of
these small groups are localized representations of larger patterns in society –
what sociologists call social institutions. These
institutions are complex, historically created social constructions that
condition people's existence, constrain their behavior, and open opportunities
for individual and social action. We are socialized into a particular
institutional context, and thus accept our condition as normal, rarely
questioning the underlying logic of our institutional system. For example,
students participate in educational institutions, yet rarely ask why our
educational institutions are structured the way they are, with teachers
lecturing and students taking notes and exams. Who's interests are truly
served by this system of instruction?
Mills says "the sociological imagination enables us to grasp history and
biography and the relations between the two within society. ... No social study
that does not come back to the problems of biography, of history and of their
intersections within a society has completed its intellectual journey."
Essentially, Mills is making the point that sociology connects an individual's
circumstances (biography) with the larger institutional context (history).
Possessing the capacity to exercise your sociological imagination, to
understand how your life is conditioned by social institutions, is empowering.
This understanding allows you to take more control of your own life, rather than
simply accepting the circumstances that were handed to you.
Using Your Sociological Imagination
Sociologists study social structure (e.g., the roles and statuses built into
institutionalized relationships; how society is stratified), social change
(e.g., how institutions change over time; how institutions are created) and
social action (e.g., how individuals act in social contexts; how individual
action constructs institutions). As you study the details of social
structure, social change, and social action, ask yourself why our structures are
the way they are, and how they got that way. It may help to envision how
these structures might be different if our history and conditions were
different. For example, would we need to structure our classrooms in the
way we do if the U.S. were an agrarian society rather than an industrial
society? In what ways would your education be different if teachers were
trained in seminaries rather than colleges? How about if teachers were
trained in music conservatories? Imagining these alternative scenarios can
help you clarify our conditions, and grasp some of the reasons why our
institutions are the way they are. Questioning the structural conditions
that influence your life is the essence of utilizing your sociological
C. Wright Mills. 1959. The Sociological Imagination. Grove Press, New