Delta State University
SOC 101: Principles of Sociology
Fall Semester 2005
Study Questions, Week 9 |
(1) What is meant by the term stratification? How does stratification differ from social inequality? What are some indicators used to measure stratification?
(2) What is the difference between income and wealth? Which is a better indicator of one's position in society?
(3) How do various systems of stratification (slavery, castes, estates, classes) differ? What are characteristics unique to each system?
(4) Contrast Karl Marx's and Max Weber's theories of stratification. How does each define social class? What factors determine social class, according to each theorist?
(5) What is meant by the term poverty? How does absolute poverty differ from relative poverty? Which groups are more likely to live in poverty in the U.S.?
(6) What did Weber mean by life chances? What are some factors that determine life chances? How do life chances affect stratification?
(7) What is meant by the term social mobility? What distinguishes open from closed systems of stratification? What factors affect social mobility in the United States?
(8) What does the term globalization refer to? How has globalization increased stratification in the world system? What role have colonialism, dependency, multinational corporations, and free trade agreements played in constructing global stratification?
(9) How does stratification in Mexico differ from the United States? Consider differences in race relations, gender, economic factors, and workplaces.
(10) What does Weber mean when he says "class situation is ultimately market situation" (p. 86 in Intersections reader). How do social classes differ from status groups? What are some of the elements that comprise status groups?