Delta State University
SOC 101: Principles of Sociology
Fall Semester 2005

Study Questions, Week 6


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(1)  What might happen to a child that lacks contact with other humans at early ages?  Can such children be considered “human?”


(2)  What is meant by the term socialization


(3)  Identify the contributions of the following theorists to our understanding of processes of socialization:


        Charles Horton Cooley

        George Herbert Mead

        Erving Goffman

        Sigmund Freud

        Jean Piaget


(4)  Explain how each of the following might contribute to Bill’s socialization:


        Bill’s parents

        Bill’s elementary school teachers

        Bill’s childhood friends

        Bill’s university professors

        The mass media


(5)  Are the effects of our childhood (primary) socialization locked in?  What evidence can you cite to support your response?


(6)  What is a total institution?  Do you believe total institutions can be effective agents of resocialization?  Why or why not?  Support your response with evidence.


(7)  What is an agent of socialization?  Identify six agents of socialization and explain how they contribute to making an individual a social being.


(8)  What is the product of socialization, for individuals and for society?


(9)  Define the following terms:


        Significant Other                    Dramaturgical Approach

        Generalized Other                 Anticipatory Socialization

        Looking-Glass Self                 Resocialization

        Impression Management      Personality


(10)  Identify an important rite of passage in your life.  How did this rite change you?  What was the social significance of this rite?