Delta State
SOC 101:
Principles of Sociology
Fall Semester, 2005
Tips for Taking Objective Tests |
Click on the following links for information on taking objective tests:
Brigham Young University Learning Strategies
Santa Rosa Junior College Study Skills
Arkansas State University Test Preparation Slideshow
Alamo Community College District Strategies for Success
Eastern Illinois University Learning Assistance Center
St. Charles Community College Academic & Career Enhancement (ACE) Center
Syracuse University Learning Resource Center
University of California Berkeley Learning Skills Center
University of California Berkeley CalREN Project
University of Minnesota Counseling and Consulting Services
George Mason University Counseling and Student Development Center
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Learning Strategies
Middle Tennessee State University Developmental Studies Department
Click on the following links for general information on taking tests:
University of North Carolina Counseling and Psychological Services
University of Texas Learning Center
University of California Berkeley Learning Skills Center
University of California Berkeley CalREN Project
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Learning Strategies (1)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Learning Strategies (2)