State University
Sociology 101
Spring Semester 2004
Week 1
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(1) Identify the following sociologists and their contributions to the discipline:
Emile Durkheim
Ferdinand Tönnies
Max Weber
Karl Marx
Herbert Spencer
Jane Addams
W.E.B. DuBois
(2) McIntyre begins Chapter 1 by discussing the laws of the physical
world. This is an odd way to begin a book about sociology. Why does
McIntyre do this? What conclusions can we draw about sociology from her
discussion of physics?
(3) On p. 11, McIntyre says
"The new urbanites included many unfortunate souls–people working long hours for
tiny wages, insufficient food, and inadequate shelter. These urban poor
terrified the urban middle and upper classes–and
it was easy to see why. There were obvious and strong links between
poverty, riots, and revolutions. In France the urban poor were referred to
as the dangerous classes."
Are such conditions unique to the middle-19th century? Can you think of
circumstance today that illustrate similar conditions?
(4) Define these important concepts attributed to the work of Emile
Division of Labor
Collective Conscience
Mechanical Solidarity
Organic Solidarity
Social Fact
(5) Tönnies and Weber both
distinguish between relationships that are ends unto themselves, and
relationships that are means to other ends. Think about some of the social
relationships you've had and groups you've been involved with in your life–your
family; your classes in school; your schoolmates; your friends from your
neighborhood, dorm floor, or fraternity/sorority; church members; a waitress
that serves you in a restaurant; a policeman that gives you a ticket, etc.
In each case, have these relationships served primarily as ends in and of
themselves, or have they served primarily as means to other ends? Explain
how you draw such a conclusion in each case.
(6) What is meant by gemeinschaft? What is meant by
gesellschaft? Do you think associations in the Mississippi Delta are
primarily gemeinschaft or gesellschaft in nature? How about associations
in New York City? How about in remote jungle regions of Brazil?
(7) What did Weber mean by "rational" behavior? Can you think of
cases of rational and nonrational behavior that you have witnessed? Can
you think of rational and nonrational institutions?
(8) Karl Marx suggested that all of our actions, tastes, values, ideas,
and culture stemmed from one basic condition–our
relationship to our society's means of production. Some people own the
land and factories used to produce things, while others only own their labor,
and must sell this to the propertyholders. What names did Marx use for
these two groups? What are some characteristics that you associate with
the owners? With the workers? Does Marx's theory apply today, to
U.S. society? Why or why not?
(9) McIntyre suggests that the American
tradition in sociology, as represented by early sociologists such as Jane Addams
and W.E.B. DuBois, is more applied than theoretical. What does this mean?
Why do you think American sociologists have adopted this approach?
(10) What is meant by “the social construction of reality?” Is the constructivist perspective the opposite of the positivist perspective? Explain.