Delta State University
SOC 101: Principles of Sociology
Fall Semester 2004
Week 12
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Topic for the Week: Social Institutions: Education
Readings for the Week: Macionis text, Chapter 14
(1) How does education differ from schooling? How does schooling differ in low-income and high-income countries? What are some reasons for these differences?
(2) What are the primary functions of education? How do these functions differ in high-income and low-income settings?
(3) How does education produce or reproduce social inequality? Identify several educational policies, and trace their outcomes in terms of equality.
(4) How does public and private education differ in the United States? Describe the variety of private educational institutions in the U.S.
(5) What factors account for the differences in educational achievement by race and gender?
(6) Identify problems in public schools, and explain how they affect individuals and the institution of education.
(7) What is meant by “cooling out” the poor? Do you believe rich and poor kids are treated differently in schools? Why?
(8) What will be the important educational issues in the 21st century? How will these shape society in the future?